Monday, August 24, 2009

Week 2

Macy and Avery had fun with this one(for the most part) Avery almost quit several times, LOL

Kyle made and Egyptian boat. If I had known a $5 lump of clay would have kept him busy for so long I would have bought one long ago.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The one where we start our first year of Tapestry

After finishing Story of the World in our study of history I decided to give Tapestry of Grace a try. I say that with a giggle because with the time and money invested in it, I hope we give it more than a try. I have bought a couple of books but most are from or the library. I have been able to find almost all the books at the library. The ones that are not available we are just going to skip unless they are used for multiple units and/or years. Those I will buy.

We have just finished our first week. Back to ancient Egypt. As with previous visits to this time period, I am finding that the kids are really into it. Today we made canopic jars.

Natalie and Avery left the insides of the jars visible and as you can see they are filled with brains, livers, hearts. Natalie said hers even has a "tumor."